Within the Files tab of your Teamwork project you'll find the Implementation Feedback Form (EPD-ID-11-01).
This form is the method you should use to formally feed back to Eploy any issues which arise during your testing - it should only be completed by your Test or Project Manager (it shouldn't be filled in by your testers).
Prior to adding something to this form, it's really important that you triage the issue first. There are two main things to consider when triaging:
- Is the issue something you can fix yourself? Typically, errors and issues relating to any aspect of your Recruitment Workflow, Authorisation Workflow, Application and Onboarding Forms/Flows and any emails sent out of Eploy can be resolved by you, and we actively encourage you to have a go at fixing it yourself before escalating it to Eploy. There are two main reasons for this: 1, it's a fantastic learning opportunity for you, both in terms of learning more about how the system works and getting used to using our Knowledge Base; and, 2, the turnaround time will likely be quicker - most issues raised are really simple to fix and you may well have fixed the issue and retested it before your Implementation Manager will have been able to take a look at it for you.
- Has the issue been reported already? If the issue has already been reported via the feedback form, please don't report it again as a new issue. If may well be true that several of your scenarios or scripts have identified the same issue - if this is the case, we only need to hear about it once. You're more than welcome to record each instance of the issue within your internal test log, but it only needs to go on to the formal feedback once (though there's nothing wrong with stating that X number of people have experienced the issue).
If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then it doesn't need to go on to the feedback form.