Before you can realistically do any testing of your Eploy system, you'll need to first plan what needs to be testing - this is what the Test Scenarios are for.
We have pulled together a list of the most common test scenarios we see our Customers use and we would encourage you to use this list - it can be found within the Files tab of your Teamwork project (Customer Testing Example Scenarios EPD-ID-25-01).
There are two things to bear in mind with these scenarios:
- They are generic - there may be scenarios on this list that don't actually apply to your system
- They are generic - unless you're using an "out of the box" system (i.e. there's been no configuration work done), chances are there are several additional scenarios that will need testing. This is especially true if you've created new Email Templates, Recruitment and Authorisation Workflows, Forms and Flows.
As you're carrying out your Customer Configuration phase activities (Phase 3), we strongly recommend that you create your own testing scenarios to this list, and you'll find a dedicated tab within the document to capture your own scenarios. To ensure you don't forget anything, as you make changes to your system, add a relevant scenario to your list.
The scenarios themselves don't need to be especially detailed - so long as you've included enough information to be able to carry out the test and will be confident of the result, that's enough.
The key thing to remember here is that these scenarios are for you and your team to use - you need to ensure you've got enough scenarios to be able to fully test your configuration of your Eploy system, so that when it goes live, it works perfectly first time.