Once you have your Zoom or Teams integrations set up, you can use these when creating actions to help arrange online interviews. Simply click Create Meeting within the action, underneath the location field to load in the meeting information.
Once loaded, the meeting details will populate the Interview Instructions field, which is then available as a merge field in any automated emails to candidates, contacts or users.
Hint - Don't have the option to create zoom / teams meetings? You need to ensure that your account has permission to create meetings, which is controlled within your Zoom account settings.
Creating Interviews for Other Hosts
If you need to create an interview on behalf of a different host - i.e you are arrange an interview for a Hiring Manager - you can do this by changing the Organiser on the action. This will allow you to select the Hiring Manager and when you load in the zoom / teams meeting, it will be created against their account. This allows you to create on their behalf and ensure the right host can start the meeting.
Recorded Meetings
Within your Zoom Account, there is an option to 'Automatically Save Recorded Meetings' - if this option is selected, at the conclusion of a recorded meeting the recording will be processed and hosted by zoom, before being made available within the Eploy action as a hyperlink.