The Hiring Manager portal is crucial to your recruitment campaigns – from vacancy requisition & authorisation, to screening & interview management, topped off with the offer and onboarding process, the Hiring Manager portal is the one stop shop window for your key stakeholders to access all the information that they need.
The configuration and functionality available within the Hiring Manager portal varies between all of our clients, as each system is built to spec – this means that you may or may not have access to all of the functionality below – however, if you have any questions, please get in touch with our Support Team and we will be happy to help!
Hiring Manager Dashboards
When you first log into the portal, you will be presented with a dashboard – this dashboard should be a summary of your recruitment activity and can include things like My Live Vacancies, Applications Requiring Feedback and Upcoming Interviews. Its important to note that the information displayed will always be filtered specifically for that hiring manager and they will only be able to report on information are permitted to access.
Whilst Hiring Managers are unable to build their own dashboards, they can navigate around from this homepage, making use of some of the in widget filters – this provides the quickest way to access that key information, whether it is a list of vacancies to authorise or Interviews to arrange.
HMs can also extract the information from their dashboard, using the export to Excel function in the top right hand corner. This will allow your HMs to share this key recruitment data with other stakeholders who do not have access to the system, all the while reducing the reporting burden on the core recruitment team.
As you can make multiple dashboards available to HMs, they can then switch between them by clicking the dashboard icon in the top left hand corner and choosing from the menu. Note – If no menu appears, this means that you only have one active HM dashboard!
For more information on creating Hiring Manager dashboards and how they can be configured, please see our admin & configuration guide available here.
Vacancy Requisition & Authorisation
Getting Jobs on to the database is key to kicking off your recruitment activity. Not only does the resourcing team need to know the jobs they are recruiting for, but you may also need to get sign off from HR or Finance to advertise the role; you may also need to track how long the process takes in order to plan for the future. The Requisition & Authorisation process allows you to do all that, as well as keeping the process as automated as possible.
Within Vacancies, which can be found either by navigating from the dashboard or using the left hand menu, you can review any roles that you have access too, or request a new role. To begin the requisition process, click Add Vacancy (Load from Template).
Requesting a Role
The first step to decide what part of the business you are recruiting for and which Template to base the vacancy on. Depending on your role, you may have different options available to pick from – for example, Area or Regional Managers maybe able to recruit for multiple different stores or departments, whilst Team Leaders or Store Managers may only be able to recruit for their specific company or department.
The templates available works in the same way – you may have access to more senior roles if you sit higher in your company hierarchy or are associated to multiple parts of the business.
If you would like to know specifically how your portal is configured, please contact Eploy Support and we will be happy to help.
The Requisition Form
Once you have confirmed the appropriate Work Location / Department and the template you wish to raise from, click Continue. This will give you access to the Requisition Details, which forms the basis of your vacancy.
This form will include a mix of the following:
- Pre-populated & read only information, which has been set within the template. This will likely be job adverts that have already been signed off internally & are candidate facing or key financial information such as salary or benefits. This is designed to reduce the input required from Hiring Managers and make the requisition process as simple as possible.
- Pre-populated but editable information, such as positions available or vacancy location. This will be used to help guide HMs with suggested information, but make any changes as appropriate.
- Vacancy specific mandatory information, which the hiring manager will need to populate. This is likely to be the reason for recruitment or brief for recruitment team, allowing the hiring manager to provide the specifics of the role.
The Hiring Manager can work through the Requisition Form and provide all of the required information. As they complete the form, there may be additional fields made available to each Hiring Manager, based on the information provided. For example, on Reason for Hire – there are different follow up questions based on whether the role is an increase to headcount or a replacement.
Advertising The Role
The Hiring Manager can also determine if the role is advertised internally or externally, before assigning any additional hiring managers. By assigning others to the role, this will allow them to access the role within their portal. This can be effective if other HMs will be involved in the screening of applicants or attending interviews.
Once the information has been completed by the Hiring Manager, they can click Continue to send this vacancy for approval. Alternatively, if the HM is not ready to submit the role, they can save the vacancy as a draft – this will allow them to return to the role later after saving all of the information provided so far.
Vacancy Authorisation Workflows
Once the vacancy is submitted, the authorisation workflow will be assigned to the role automatically – this is based on the information provided within the requisition form and can be configured as required in the Admin system.
Depending on the number of stages in your approval workflow, the Hiring Manager will then be able to choose the appropriate people to authorise their vacancy:
In this example, there are two stages of authorisation required, as the vacancy is an increase to headcount. Based on the information of the specific vacancy raised, a different workflow may be triggered.
Once the appropriate authorisers have been selected, you have the option to Submit for Approval – this will trigger an email to the first authoriser to approve and once complete, notify the second approver. The original hiring manager can be notified as the vacancy progresses through the approval chain and then role will be advertised on the website by the resourcing team.
The Recruitment Workflow
Once you have live vacancies, you will start to receive applications for each role. Whether the hiring managers have access to these new applications or if there is a pre-screen completed by the resourcing team, it is the Recruitment Workflow that dictates what the hiring manager can do next.
Note – as variable workflows are available, you can have different settings for different hiring managers at different stages of the process. This means that for some vacancies, you can allow HMs to contact applicants directly, access all applicants and create their own interviews, whilst for other vacancies, Hiring Managers may only be able to provide feedback.
For more information on how to configure your recruitment workflows, please see our admin & configuration section.
Accessing the Workflow
The quickest way to access the workflow is to make use of the workflow widgets on the Hiring Manager Dashboard – this allows you to navigate directly to key stages of the recruitment process, so that you can begin reviewing candidates, providing feedback or scheduling interviews.
Alternatively, you can click the Applications icon on the left hand menu and choosing a workflow, before navigating through each of the workflow stages.
Once within the workflow, you can begin working through the available applications and based on your recruitment workflow settings, progress the applicants as appropriate.
Process Menu
Once you have reviewed your candidate in the tab view, it is time to update the application stage and proceed / reject the application. One of the benefits of the grid view is that you update multiple applications at once, using the Process menu. Click each record to select it and once you do, the process button will display on the bottom menu.
When you click the process button, the side bar will appear and show you what statuses and next steps are available from the current workflow stage.
Note – The options, statuses and next steps that are available will be dependant on your recruitment workflow settings. If you need to add additional stages, transitions or outcomes, this can be done within Admin & Configuration.
When changing statuses, you may then need to provide feedback – this is typically used for rejection statuses and will be shared with the resourcing team.
The Application Dialogue
The Application Dialogue that gives access to much more information regarding the candidate, the application and the role they have applied for.
To access this, simply click the candidate name or the CV preview from the grid view – this will open the Application Dialogue and allow you to review the overview, the application form and the CV.
Reviewing Applications
Within the dialogue, you can review and screen your applications - starting in the top left, you can:
- Review any other applications the candidate has made, including a drop down summary of the job title, the application date and the workflow stage / status. This is also split into Live applications and All applications.
- Email / SMS the candidate, using the Contact button (Workflow Settings dependant).
- Overview – This is the basic contact and personal information for the candidate. Additional information can be added or removed from this section within the Admin system.
- Application Form – The application form will include all information provided by the candidate as part of the application. This will include any details parsed from the candidate CV, as well as the responses to any Eploy Discover Application forms.
CV - The CV provided by the candidate, including any highlighted skills that match with the vacancy.
Forms - Any web forms that the candidate has completed in the candidate portal will be located here. Typically most of these web forms will automatically be generated when candidates reach certain stages in the recruitment process. You can also manually generate and edit any forms in your system.
Files - This section will include any files provided during the application process, such as cover letter or CV. You will also be able to generate any documents within the files section if required.
Activity - This is the audit trail of the application, including any workflow transitions, notes and correspondence recorded against the application.
Application, References & Vacancy
After reviewing using the application form and overview, the middle section of the application dialogue allows you to focus on recording feedback and reviewing references for this application. As well as a summary of the current workflow stage.
At the bottom of the application dialogue, you can also record any notes or feedback as part of your review process. This notes section is controlled by your workflow settings so may not always be available – however, simply click, type and use Add to record any additional feedback where appropriate.
Within the references section you can review any reference requests that have been submitted or received from referees. Clicking on the referees name will take you to view your reference form that the referee has completed and/or any documentation they have supplied. From here you can also change the status to checked suitable or not suitable.
Finally, the vacancy section allows you to compare the candidate details with the requirements of the role, such as the salary expectations and the job description. Using all of this information, you can make an informed decision based on the candidates application – the final benefit of the application dialogue is that the Process side bar is always available, allowing you to update statuses and proceed to next steps without leaving the dialogue.
Update Status & Next Steps
The Process side bar will always show the same options – it is using this side menu that applications are progressed or rejected at each stage of the process. If you choose to update the status, the candidate will remain at the current workflow stage. For example, if the candidate is at the To Review stage, we can change the status to place the candidate on hold or reject the application.
This means that you will be able to report accurately on the hiring manager activity and the number of applicants that are at each stage, including when / how / why they were rejected. If you are proceeding the candidate, you can use the next steps option to either Create Action Now, Create Action Later or Select Slot:
- Create Action Now – this will allow you to schedule an interview with the candidate immediately and would be available to hiring managers who are responsible for arranging their own interviews.
- Create Action Later – This will allow you to progress the candidate but not book this interview. This is typically available to Hiring Managers who are not responsible for arranging their own interviews and if a trigger to the resourcing team that there is an interview for them to book.
- Select Slot – This option is only available if you are using the interview slot functionality, where HMs are able to outline their availability for interviews as part of the requisition process. Once the availability has been added to the database, HMs can then be allowed to assigned candidate to their preferred slot, or allow candidates to access the portal and self-select their interview slot of choice.
Creating Actions
If you are able to create your own interviews, either via Create Action Now or Create Action Later, the Hiring Manager can populate the basic information of the event, including the start date & time, the location and any additional attendees.
Hint – The subject can be useful for adding extra information to be included in the interview confirmation email, whilst the calendar option will allow HMs to view any events already booked into their schedule.
Once confirmed, the interview will be scheduled and can be used to generate a calendar invite for the candidate to confirm.
Offers & Hires
Following a completed interview, the grid view or the application dialogue can be used to provide the appropriate feedback. For those successful candidates, they can then proceed through the recruitment workflow and reach the offer stage. Depending on the recruitment workflow settings, the Hiring Manager may be able to trigger the offer process by using Create Hire Now or Create Hire Later.
Whilst creating the Hire, the Hiring Manager will be asked to provide the key information to form the basis of the offer. This can include the hire dates, the agreed salary or hours per week.
Any information from the original requisition form can be drawn through to the offer, to allow Hiring Managers to confirm. The information displayed can also be used to trigger any additional offer authorisation required. For example, you may require additional authorisation if the salary offered is greater than the original salary on the vacancy.
Once the offer is confirmed, any additional authorisation stages will display and allow the hiring manger to trigger the authorisation process.
The Menu
Following on from the dashboards, the vacancies and the application workflow, the rest of the menu will give the hiring manager access to additional information to assist with their recruitment process. This can include:
- Offers & Hires – This section will allow HMs to review their hires made historically, as well as approve any offers is required. You can use the in page filters to search for live or terminated hire.
- The Calendar – This view will allow you to see all scheduled activity, including interviews, slots and upcoming activity. Hiring Managers can also manage their availability, search through interview confirmations and switch to different views, including Weekly, Monthly, Timeline and Agenda.
- References – As part of the onboarding process, you may be automatically collecting references from candidates referees. Within this section, you can review outstanding references, provide feedback on those received and download PDF versions of the reference.
- Hiring Manager Toolkit – This is the built in training library for your hiring managers, where you can add training materials, videos and hyperlinks to support your recruitment processes and encourage hiring manager engagement.