What is the Recruitment Workflow Pipeline View?
The Pipeline view allows you to quickly see and manage all applications at each stage of your selected Recruitment Workflow. You can choose to view a single or multiple Vacancies all at the same time.
Pipeline View Filters
When viewing the Pipeline, several filters are available to you. These include:
- My Live Vacancies or All Live Vacancies
- Candidate Type
- Contacted State
- CV Sent
- Suitability
- Status Type
- Status
Candidate/Application Cards
Each application is represented by a Candidate/Application Card. Each card displays:
- Candidate Name
- Candidate Type
- Candidate Star Rating
- The Vacancy and Company name
- Their Workflow Status
- The current Action
- Suitability from Screening
- A Shortcut to the Candidates CV
- Contact State
Progressing Candidates
Candidates can be moved between Workflow Stages quickly and easily in two ways:
- Dragging and Dropping one or more Candidates from one stage to another
- Selecting Candidates, clicking the Process button and using the Progress flyout menu
Additional Views
When working on a single Vacancy, three additional options become available.
Clicking this anywhere within a Vacancy will take you to the Pipeline View for that Vacancy
This view displays the Vacancy within a more traditional Tab view. Each stage is displayed as a tab, rather than a Pipe, with all applications within that stage shown in a Table/Grid.
Talent Pool
It’s great when talent can find and apply to your Vacancies – but it’s even better when you can use your existing Talent Pool to find and contact suitable Candidates. This is where the Talent Pool view comes in to its own. Using this view, you can see all Candidates registered on your system and use the Eploy Quick Match tool to create a Long List. From here, you can contact these Candidates and invite them to apply to your Vacancy.