Dashboards can now be starred, helping you to prioritise and organise all of the dashboards & widgets shared with you. By starring a dashboard, you can ensure you have instant access in the dashboard menu, without the need to scroll endlessly beyond all of the other less important dashboards.
Adding & Removing Stars
You can star a dashboard at any time by hovering over the star icon, either in the menu or next to the dashboard Title and clicking to confirm. Similarly, you can remove a star in the same way - hover over the icon and click.
Once you add a star to a dashboard, it will show within the Starred section of the Dashboard menu. You can then change the order of the starred dashboards by clicking the Reorder icon and dragging / dropping the dashboards into the appropriate order.
By reordering, you can prioritise your starred dashboards, making them even easier to access.
Hint - Any dashboards that arent starred will show either in your recent items (if you have looked at it recently!) or under View All Dashboards.
View All Dashboards
When you click into View All Dashboards, you will see a grid containing all of the dashboards that you currently have access too. From here, you can filter the list based on whether they are currently starred, who has access or by the title / descriptions.
Clicking into the title of the dashboard will navigate you to the content, whilst a right click is available to allow you to edit, copy or export the dashboard.
The grid view will also allow you to add / remove any stars, as well as set your default dashboard. At the bottom of the page, you can also then change the order of any starred dashboards.
Hint - View All Dashboards only grants access to the dashboards that YOU have access too. If another user has created a dashboard and not chosen to share it with you, it will not be available here.