The Recruitment Workflow is the area of your Eploy system which dictates the journey your Candidates will follow from initial Application, through Interviews and ultimately to Offer.
As part of your Implementation, your Implementation Manager will have built for you a single Recruitment Workflow (unless agreed otherwise).
During this phase of your Implementation, you are now able to fully take ownership of this workflow by doing things like:
- Changing Stage Names
- Adding Application Statuses and Interview Outcomes
- Manage the content of Email Templates used
You can also, if you wish, create new Recruitment Workflows - this can be really useful if you have multiple brands and want to send brand specific emails, or if you want to vary the stages that Hiring Managers can interact with based on type of Vacancy.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to make changes, you should have identified the changes you need to make during Phase 2.
This is quite a long article, so if you'd like to jump to a specific topic, please use the links below:
- Creating a New Recruitment Workflow and Managing Workflow Settings
- Managing Stages
- Notifications
- Core System Transitions
- Hiring Manager Settings
- Automatic Transitions
- Further Information
Creating a New Recruitment Workflow and Managing Workflow Settings
There are two ways to create a new Recruitment Workflow - you can either create one from scratch, or duplicate an existing one.
To create a new workflow, navigate to Admin > Recruitment Workflows, then click New in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
To duplicate a workflow, navigate to Admin > Recruitment Workflows, then click on the name of the workflow you wish to duplicate. Scroll down slightly until you see a blue Save button (just beneath the Automated Notification Settings) - to the immediate right of this you'll find the Duplicate button.
At the top of your workflow you'll find 3 sections:
Workflow Details - from here you can give your workflow a Name and Description. You can also make the workflow Active (which you'll need to do if you've created a new one before it can be used) and allow your Hiring Managers to be able to create new applications for Vacancies on this workflow (this only really applies if your Hiring Managers will be doing any Talent Pooling activities). From here you can also activate the Daily Digest email, which is an email sent to Hiring Managers at 07:00 every day, letting them know what's happening with their Vacancies (the email is only sent if there are applications to review, interviews upcoming or requiring scheduling, or candidates going through onboarding).
Forward CV Settings - these settings typically only apply to Recruitment Agencies who forward CVs to managers via email, rather than using the Hiring Manager portal, when carrying out Talent Pooling activities. These settings allow you to get Eploy to automatically create Applications when forwarding CVs.
Automated Notification Settings - these settings allow you to specify on which day of the week, and the time of day when automated email notifications will be sent. These settings work in combination with the settings applied to an individual notification. For example, if an email is set to send with a 2-day delay, when Eploy is ready to send the email it will check these additional settings before sending the email - if emails are not to be sent on that day, Eploy will send the email on the next day when emails are being sent.
Having made changes to any of these sections, don't forget to click Save.
Managing Stages
As you move down the Recruitment Workflow interface, you'll reach the Workflow Stages section. This is where you'll find the settings associated with each stage in your Recruitment Workflow.
All Recruitment Workflows include a Pre Application Stage - this stage only applies to Candidates you have Long Listed against a Vacancy, as part of Talent Pooling Activities. Although you can add Notifications and Hiring Manager settings to this stage, the stage itself cannot be removed.
All other stages within the workflow can be fully configured by you and fall in to three categories:
- Action Stages - this type of stage is used whenever you want to schedule an event with a Candidate, typically an Interview. When scheduling the interview an Action record is created and the settings within the stage control when can be done with the Action e.g. Action Type and Candidate visibility of the Action within the Candidate Portal.
- Application Stages - these are effectively review stages and are used when the application is being reviewed by Recruiters and Hiring Managers
- Placement Stages - these are your Offer stages and are associated with Placement records
You are free to add and remove Stages as you wish.
To add a Stage, scroll to the bottom of the Recruitment Workflow screen and click Add.
You'll need to first select the Stage Name, then the Stage Type. Having done this, more settings will appear, depending on the type of stage you've selected.
Tip if you want to add a stage and the name you want to use isn't listed, you'll need to add it to the Application Stage Name drop down list. Navigate to Admin > Drop Down Lists, then select Application Stage Names from the large drop down list at the top of the screen.
Action Stage settings - select the Action Type, indicate whether Core System users should be able to move Applications to this stage without creating Actions and whether they can create Actions. Additionally, indicate whether Candidates should be able to see Actions at this stage. If they can, enter the number of hours prior to a slot Start Time the slot will be hidden from Candidates (meaning they can't select it), indicate whether they can change their selected slot and cancel interviews. You can also set an auto-delete deadline - Eploy will automatically delete empty slots at a set number of hours before the slot start time.
Tip you can create new Action Types by navigating to Admin > Drop Down Lists and selecting Action Types from the large drop down list at the top of the screen. You can also create new Action Outcomes (such as Rejection reasons) from the same place, but selecting Action Outcomes from the list.
Application Stage settings - for Application stages, all you need to do is select the Application Statuses you wish to use within this stage.
Tip you can create new Application Statuses by navigating to Admin > Drop Down Lists and selecting Application Statuses from the large drop down list at the top of the screen.
Placement Stage settings - for these stages, select the Placement Statuses you wish to use and indicate whether Core System users should be able to move Applications to this stage without creating a Placement.
Tip you can create new Placement Statuses by navigating to Admin > Drop Down Lists and selecting Placement Statuses from the large drop down list at the top of the screen.
To send an automated email notification to a Candidate, navigate to the relevant stage, then click Notifications. You'll now see the notifications already in place, and an Add button - clicking Add allows you to create a new notification, or clicking the name of a notification allows you to amend the notification:
- Select the Stage Status which will trigger this notification
- Select the type of Candidate who is to be contacted. If you select multiple Candidate types, they will all be sent the same email. If you'd like different Candidate types to be sent different emails, you can add multiple notifications, selecting a different Candidate type in each.
- Select the default email to send. If there are potentially multiple email templates which could be used, you can select the additional email templates within the Other Email Templates section
- Next, select when you want the email to send - when the candidate reaches that stage, when active slots are available (actions only) or when the Vacancy is closed. You can also select Do Not Send, which means the email won't be sent until a user manually sends it.
- Depending on the sending option selected you'll be able to specify the date and time when the new notification should be applied from, any delay you want to use, who the sender should be and whether any reminder emails should be sent.
Once you are happy with the settings, click Save.
Core System Transitions
As a default, Core System users can move an application from any stage and status to any stage and status.
Core System Transitions allow you to place restrictions on this.
Within a stage, click Core System Transitions, then Edit Transitions. You'll now have two options:
- Allow transition to the following stages allows you to restrict which stages the application can be moved to, from this stage
- Allow transition from the following statuses allows you to specify which statuses, within this stage, the application can be moved from
Once you are happy with the settings, click Save.
Hiring Manager Settings
The Hiring Manager settings allow you to configure three things:
- Whether the Hiring Manager can see the application at a specific stage and status
- If they can see the application, what they can do with it, and
- which stages they can move the application to (known as a transition)
To manage the Stage Transitions for your Hiring Managers, click Edit Hiring Manager Stage Settings and select the stages you want Hiring Managers to be able to move applications to. You can also indicate here whether you want your Hiring Managers to be able to move applications to other vacancies on the same workflow.
To make an application visible to a Hiring Manager at a given status, locate the status within the list and click Edit, then tick the box labelled Show to Hiring Manager.
Once the status is visible to Hiring Managers, additional options will display allowing you to control whether your Hiring Managers can:
- Edit certain application fields and add notes
- Allow the status to be changed or selected
- Allow the application to be moved to another stage from this status (tip you need to tick this option and have a transition set)
- Send emails to Candidates
Having made all your changes, click Save.
Automatic Transitions
Automatic Transitions are a fantastic time saving mechanism - they allow you to specify whether an application should be moved to a specific stage once it's reached a given status. Classic examples of this being used is automatically moving the application to an interview stage when a Hiring Manager selects Proceed to First Interview at a review stage, or moving it to the Placement stage when Proceed to Offer is selected.
To add an Automatic Transition, open the Automatic Transitions section of the stage and click Add.
Select the status which should trigger the transition, then select the stage to move the application to.
Note you'll only be able to select statuses as triggers which do not have notifications set against them. If you need to use that status as a trigger, you'll first need to remove the notification.
Further Information
We have loads more information on Recruitment Workflows available within our main Knowledge base. Please take a look at this section -
Tip to view many of the articles contained within our main Knowledge base you'll need to first access it via your Eploy Core System - log in, then use the ? icon within the blue bar and select Knowledge Base. If the link above doesn't work, please do this then try the link again - if it still doesn't work, please let your Implementation Manager know.