As part of Phase 2 of your Implementation, you'll have identified whether the Forms and Flows within your system will be sufficient, or whether they'll need some tweaks...or perhaps you'll need to create whole new forms and flows.
Whatever you need to do, in this article we'll show you the basics of building and amending your Forms and Flows.
Unless stated otherwise, everything we talk about in this article applies to all types of forms and flows.
There's a fair amount to get through here, so if you'd link to jump to a specific topic, please click one of the links below:
Amending Forms
Within Eploy you have the ability to create Application and Onboarding forms, but also Feedback forms as well.
Regardless of the form you're creating, they're all built in the same way.
First, access your Eploy Core System and navigate to Admin > Discover Forms. From here you'll have four options to choose from:
- Application - use this any time you want to create a form which is associated with an Application. This could be a form the Candidate completes, or something a system user would complete, such as an Interview Feedback form
- Onboarding - use this any time you want to create a form which is completed by a Candidate as part of the Onboarding process
- Candidate Feedback - these forms can be sent to Candidates at any time and are not associated with an Application
- Contact Feedback - these forms can be sent to a Contact to complete and are not associated with a Candidate or Application
Tip if you're an existing customer and your system is having some work done to it e.g. you're completely overhauling your recruitment processes; you may see a fifth option - Screening. These are our legacy discover forms and it's in this list where you'll find all of the old discover forms used in your system. If your system has moved to using Flows for your Application and Onboarding processes do not create new screening forms - they cannot be used within flows. You can, if you want to use a screening form as part of a flow, copy the form and save it as an Application or Onboarding form.
Once you know the type of form to use, select that option from the list.
You'll now be looking at the list of forms.
To amend an existing form, click its name. To create a new form, click New from the toolbar.
There are three things to look at when managing forms:
Form Settings
These can be found at the top of the Details tab of the form.
From here you'll be able to:
- Give the form a Name and Description
- Activate and Deactivate the form
- Allow your Hiring Managers to see the form and control what they can do with the form
- Restrict who can edit the form
Don't forget to click save once you've made changes to this section.
Scoring and Grading
If you don't need to create knockout questions, or you don't want Eploy to automatically score the responses to the form, you won't need to worry about this section.
These settings can be found at the bottom of the Details tab of the form.
Questions and Paging
If you forget to add questions and pages to your form, you'll end up with a blank page, which is no good to anyone.
To add questions and pages to your form, open the Questions tab of the form.
From here, click the Add button.
As you can see from the screenshot above, there are three options here:
Discover Fields these are effectively free-form questions, whereby you type in the question and, if necessary, the answer choices. Having the ability to create these free-form questions in your forms gives you fantastic breadth to ask anything you like. That being said, use these fields with caution - Discover Fields are not reportable and cannot be exported. I really can't overstate this enough - please don't fall in to the trap of creating a standard field in the hope that it can be reported on or exported. If you want to have a new question added which can be reported on or exported, please let your Implementation Manager know so they can create it as a Standard Field.
Standard Fields these are fields which exist in your system and can be found within any of the records in your system. For example, if you want to display something like the Vacancy Title, or you want the Candidate to enter their date of birth, both of these fields exist on a record and should be added in to the form as a Discover Field. As these are fields within the system, they are fully reportable and can be exported.
Pages pages allow you to take a form with loads of questions and break it down in to bite-sized chunks. By using pages, not only are you making things easier for your Candidates visually, but it also gives them the facility to complete the form across several sittings, as moving from one page to the next automatically saves the answers for that page.
Amending Flows
There are three types of Form Flows available within Eploy: Application, Action and Onboarding.
To access the form flows, navigate to Admin > Flows > Candidate Flows.
You'll now see a list of the flows already configured within your system.
To create a new one, click New within the toolbar.
To amend an existing flow, click its name.
Initially, you'll be looking at the Details tab where you'll be able to:
- Give the flow a Name and Description
- Select the type of flow and workflow stage (only when creating a new flow)
- Restrict who can edit the flow
- Select the Application or Placement Status which begins the form flow
Beneath this you'll find the Display Settings, where you can:
- Choose to display the Form Navigation panel and a progress bar
- In the case of Onboarding flows, you can also decide whether you want to display some text providing a welcome to the Candidate
The second tab is where you'll find the Flow Automation - this is where you'll be able to see, visually, how the form flow is constructed and from here you'll be able to:
- Manage the start status for each element of the flow
- Add and remove any conditions required to create a new branch within the flow
- Insert new Forms in to the flow
- Add any output statuses to the flow
To view more information about form flows, please see these pages within our main Knowledge Base.
Testing your Forms and Flows
Given that Forms and Flows form such an integral part of your recruitment process, you'll be testing them automatically whenever you apply for a role or go through onboarding, but it's essential that you ensure you test all forms and flows in your system - both those created by your Implementation Manager and any that you have created as well.
To help ensure everything you need to test is captured, we'd recommend you fill in the Customer Testing Examples Scenarios spreadsheet, available within Teamwork.
One tab lists the test scenarios we'd recommend you complete - please take a bit of time to look through this and ensure all aspects of your flows have been captured. If anything is missing, you can add the relevant details to the second worksheet within the document.
Further Information
We have a lot of content within our main Knowledge Base focusing on Forms and Flows.
To view our pages on Forms, please click here.
To view our pages on Flows, please click here.
Tip to view many of the articles contained within our main Knowledge base you'll need to first access it via your Eploy Core System - log in, then use the ? icon within the blue bar and select Knowledge Base. If the link above doesn't work, please do this then try the link again - if it still doesn't work, please let your Implementation Manager know.