What are Contacts and Users?
When you want to save a useful number in your mobile phone, you create a Contact and add information such as the Name, Number, Email address and even a Photo...contacts are exactly the same in Eploy.
Typically, for an initial import, the Contacts you provide will be your Hiring Manager population - but you can include all employees if you like.
For those Contacts who need access to the Hiring Manager Portal, you'll also need to create a User account for them - this is where you specify their Username, User Email Address and permissions (which part of the HM Portal are they able to access).
The key thing to remember is that to give someone access to the HM Portal, they'll need a User AND a Contact record.
The Contacts & Users (To Complete) Tab
The Contacts and Users tab of the spreadsheet is effectively split in to two halves - the first half (columns B to G) sets up the Contact and the second half (columns I to U) sets up the User Record.
If you're going to be importing all of your employees, only fill in the User section for those that you want to have access to the HM Portal. If they're not Hiring Managers, don't fill this in.
Tip if your process includes the need for non-Hiring Managers to access the HM Portal, such as a PA or local Recruitment Administrator, you should include their details here as well. As always, if you're unsure, please speak with your Implementation Manager before adding their details to the spreadsheet.
- Company Name - this is the name of the Company Record that the Contact should be associated with. A Contact can be associated with several Company Records, but this should be the main one. The spelling here should match exactly with the Company Name from the Company Import spreadsheet - we'd recommend copying and pasting from that spreadsheet to here (so it's a good idea to fill that spreadsheet in before doing this one).
- Contact First Name - this is the contact's First Name
- Contact Surname - this is the contact's surname
- Position/Job title - this is their Job Title
- Contact Position Type - as with fields like Location and Function from the Company spreadsheet, this is another field that will be used to populate a drop down list. This field is most commonly used within Vacancy and Placement Authorisation workflows. For each stage of the workflow, you'll define which Hiring Manager(s) are able to provide approval, and it is the selected Position Type which determines that. A Contact can only have one Position Type, so it's important to make sure you allocate the correct one, although you can change it at any time. Typical examples of Position Types are: CEO, HR Director, Finance Director, Regional Manager, Area Manager and Hiring Manager. If the Hiring Manager you're adding won't be involved in Authorisation, enter Hiring Manager. Ultimately the list will be specific to your organisation, but if you're unsure as to what to enter here, please have a chat with your Implementation Manager.
- Contact Email Address - this is the email address of the contact and should be their main work email address. Eploy will use this email address whenever it needs to send an email notification
If your contacts don't need access to the HM or Vendor portal, stop here.
If they do need to access the HM or Vendor portal, carry on...
- User Display Name - this is the name that will be displayed within any Drop Down List in Eploy which allows you to select Hiring Mangers e.g. the Additional Hiring Managers field on the Vacancy Requisition. We would recommend using the Hiring Manager's real name here, unless the user is allocated to a location or branch, in which case you can use the Location/Branch name instead.
- User Position/Job title - this is the Job Title of the User. You can simply copy and paste from the Position/Job Title field (column E) if you wish
- User Type - enter Hiring Manager or Vendor depending on whether this is a Hiring Manager or Vendor (Agency) user.
- User's Direct/Internal Email Address - this email address will be used by Eploy when it needs to send an email to the User. Typically this will be the same as the Contact's email address, so you're welcome to simply copy and past from that field (column G)
- User's System Email Address - this is the email address that Eploy will use whenever the Hiring Manager sends an email directly to the Candidate - it will be visible to the Candidate. As such it doesn't need to be the same as the Contact's email address. If the Candidate replies to the email, the reply will go to this email address. If you're happy for your Candidates to have your Hiring Manager's actual email address, then enter that. Alternatively, if you'd like all communications, and replies, to come through a central mailbox, enter that email address instead. Although the Username and Direct/Internal email addresses must be unique to each user, the System email address doesn't i.e. all Hiring Managers users can have the same system email address if you wish.
- User Username - this is the Username for the User. There are no restrictions on the format of the username, although we see the Email Address as the most commonly used username. If you are using Single Sign-On, the username must match the SSO username - your Implementation Manager can help here if you're unsure.
- User Email Display Text - as we have seen already, Hiring Managers can send emails to Candidates (if you want them to!). When they do so, the text entered here will be displayed in the From line within the recipients mailbox. You could use the Hiring Manager's name here, or the name of your organisation - whatever you choose, it's always a good idea to ensure it's relevant to the person receiving the email i.e. John Smith - Eploy Recruitment would be much more informative to a candidate than simply John Smith.
- User Mobile Display Text - as with the Email Display Text, this is the name Eploy will use as the sender when sending a Text Message from within the HM Portal. There is an 11 character limit (including spaces) on this field. Note although a Hiring Manager can send a text message, this can only be done when an SMS template has been set within the Workflow - it is not possible for a Hiring Manager to send an ad-hoc text message to a Candidate from within Eploy.
- Additional Field 1-3 - as with Company Records, you can save a lot of extra information against Contacts and, in some circumstances, Users as well. If you'd like to add any additional information, use these fields. That said, we'd always recommend discussing these additional items with your Implementation Manager first, just to make sure the information is saved in the right place.
- Associated Companies - we mentioned briefly earlier on that a Contact can be associated with multiple companies. This can be really helpful if you have a manager who needs visibility of the recruitment activity of two different parts of your organisation. If you do have managers who fall in to this category, add the name of each company record, separated with a comma, that you need the manager to be associated with.
Tip if you'll be planning on using the Vendor Portal and already have your PSL or list of suppliers in place, you can include their Contacts and Users within the import as well - just make sure they're linked up with the right company record from the Companies spreadsheet.
Having completed your Import Spreadsheet, go to the task within Teamwork and upload the completed spreadsheet within the task. During the Discovery Session at the end of this phase, your Implementation Manager will review the information you have provided. If we have any queries with your completed document we can discuss these during the meeting. The finalised document will then be used for your Eploy Build. If you have any questions about completing the document, please raise these with your Implementation Manager on your weekly call.