Within the Authorisation Stages, you can configure the exact process that your roles / offers will follow. The first stage is inserted automatically as Draft because this is required for all workflows. The Draft status is for any roles that Hiring Managers start to raise but don’t actually submit for authorisation– it will save the requisition form as a draft allowing them to submit it later or make any amendments.
Here, you can review the details of any existing stages, within:
- Stage Details – This will show you all the key information about the vacancy at that stage of the process, including whether it is live, editable & the number of authorisers attributed.
- Transitions – This then details where the role / offer can go from this stage. For example, the first transition from draft would be to send the vacancy to the first authoriser required. This section will also allow you to create new transitions, once the next stage of the process has been created.
Note – Before you can transition to the next stage of the process, the stage needs to be created first. The process for configuring transitions and stages is always to create the new stage and then set up the transitions to the stage.
Adding Stages
When you are then ready to create the next stage, clicking Add Stage will then allow you to configure the stage details. This includes the status of that stage of the process & whether the role / offer is live or editable at that point:
- Status – This will be the status of the role / offer when it reaches this stage of the process. Core system users will be able to track which stage the role / offer is at based on the status, so it is recommended that a unique status is used for each stage of the process. You can control which statuses are active and which will terminate the vacancy.
- Set Vacancy Live – This will set the vacancy to be displayed on the candidate portal, as long as the status selected above is an active status. This should only be used for the final stages of the authorisation process, when you need to be begin recruiting for this role.
- Allow Hiring Managers to post to job boards - If using Eploy's multi-poster functionality, this setting will allow allow hiring managers to distribute the vacancy to your agreed job boards. This setting should only be used at stages where the vacancy has been approved and is advertised.
- Stage Users – This setting determines who is responsible for the vacancy at this stage of the process and who is required to complete the authorisation step. The options here are as follows:
- Contact for the Vacancy – This can only ever be one person, assigned within the contact relationship of the role.
- Any Hiring Manager assigned to the vacancy – this will mean that any hiring manager who is assigned to the role will be able to authorise at this stage. The role will progress once the first hiring manager provides their authorisation – it will not require authorisation from all those selected.
- Authorisers – This setting will allow you to specify exactly who the required authorisers are.
- Backend Users – This will need authorisation by a core system standard or admin user.
Note – Depending on which setting is selected, there will be additional information to specify within this stage. The configuration required is determined by your choice of Stage User.
When selecting Contact, Any Hiring Manager or Backend User, the only remaining section to complete is Notifications. Selecting Authorisers will show additional settings, allowing you to configure exactly who / when the role is authorised.
- Allow Vacancy Modification – Checking this tick box will allow users to edit the vacancy / offer before providing their authorisation. If this option is not selected, the fields will be read only so the authoriser would not be able to make changes before pushing through.
- Allow Authoriser Selection – If this box is ticked, the hiring manager raising the job / offer will be prompted to pick the required authorisers for their process. Leaving this setting unchecked will mean the hiring manager raising the role will not be able to determine where the vacancy is sent.
Number of Authorisers
This section determines how many authorisers can approve the role at this stage. Using the two fields, Minimum Authorisers Allowed and Total Authorisers Allowed, you can control the range of people involved.
For example, if there is only one person (e.g. the Finance Director) who has to approve the role at this stage, both of these fields should be set to 1. This will mean that only person will be able to be assigned as the authoriser at this stage and that the role / offer will not be able to progress until that individual user has logged in to approve the role.
If multiple people are able to provide their authorisation at this stage (i.e. department heads or area managers), then the two fields can be used to create a range. Setting the Minimum to 3 and the Maximum to 5 will require the hiring manager when raising the vacancy to select at least 3 and at most 5 different authorisers.
Who can authorise at this stage?
This section will allow you to determine who can authorise at this stage and who is available to be selected by hiring managers when raising the role / offer.
Note - This is all driven by the company structure and your position types within that company structure, so it is recommended that you are familiar with this before attempting to create a vacancy or placement authorisation workflow.
- Select Authorisers From – this drop down list looks at your company structure and allows you to pick from the following options:
- The Same Company – This means that the authoriser would need to be from the same company as the requester. For example, this would be used if a store team leader was raising a role which needed to be authorised by a store manager.
- The Entire Group (All) – This would allow for any authoriser from within your company structure, regardless of where they are in the structure in comparison the requester.
- The Company and all division under and directly above – This would allow for any authoriser within the same company, any company beneath the requested company and from the company record immediately above the company.
- The Company and all divisions directly under it – This means that any authorisers from this section of the company structure are able to approve.
- The Company and all divisions above – This setting would allow for any authoriser from above the requesting company to approve this role / offer.
- Any Company – This would allow any authoriser, from any company record, to approve the role, even if they are not part of the company structure.
- Position Types – This drop down list allows you to select which position types can approve at this stage of the process. Selecting multiple here will mean that more contacts are able to be selected to approve the role.
The combination of settings within these two fields will determine who is able to approve the role / offer, so ensuring this is set correctly will help to streamline the process and ensure all roles / offers get the authorisation that is required.
For example, if the role needs authorisation from an area manager within the company structure, you can set Select Authorisers From to The company and all divisions above and Position Types to Area Manager. That way, when the role is raised, Area Manager will be selectable to by the hiring manager.
This section then allows you to control the email notifications that are sent to authorisers. You can control email content and reminder frequency. Selecting Yes to Notify Stage Users will then prompt you to select an appropriate email template and confirm how often email reminders are sent. Simply select the template from the drop list and enter the number of days for each reminder to be sent. If no reminders are required, then you can leave the field blank.
Note – If there are no suitable email templates available, you can create new options within the Emails tab on Authorisation Workflows.
Notify Other Users will then allow you trigger notifications to anyone else that needs to be aware of the progression of the vacancy. This can be particularly useful for the recruitment team to be kept in the loop, for example.
Selecting Yes will then allow you set the User Types who are to receive the notifications. There are different groups to choose from and multiple can be selected from the following list:
- All Standard Admin Users - This will send the notification to all core system users that have admin permission.
- All Standard Users – This will send the notification to all core system users.
- Hiring Managers on Vacancy – This will send the notification to all hiring managers that have been assigned to the vacancy.
- Main Contact User on Vacancy – This will send the notification to the individual contact user that is set within the relationship of the vacancy record.
- Our Company Email – This will send the notification to the central email address stored against your Eploy system. This is the email address that the notifications are sent from.
- Standard Users on Company – This will notify any core system users that are assigned to the company that the vacancy is being raised against.
- Standard Users on Vacancy – This will notify any core system users that are assigned to the vacancy being raised.
- Standard Users on Contact – This will notify any core system users that are assigned to the contact assigned to the vacancy.
- Standard Users with Receive Applications – This will notify any core system users that are set up to receive notifications of any web applications. This setting can be found within the User Admin module.
- Standard Users with Receive Registrations – This will notify any core system users that are set up to receive notifications of any web registrations. This setting can be found within the User Admin module.
- Standard Users with Receive vacancy inserts – This will notify any core system users that are set up to receive notifications of any newly raised vacancies. This setting can be found within the User Admin module.
- Vendor Users on Vacancy – This will alert any vendors on the role that it has progressed to this stage of the authorisation process, so that they can begin to prepare candidate submissions.
The Email Addresses field will then allow you to enter any additional bespoke email addresses, which may not be assigned to a certain user. This can be particularly useful for sending the notifications to central mailboxes or for anyone who does not have any access to Eploy.
The last two settings are then to confirm the Email Template to use and set the Reminder Email schedule.
Clicking Save will then create the new stage and include it within your Authorisation Workflow.