EployMail links with the CV import tool to allow emails with CVs attached to easily be imported to Eploy, creating candidates and applying them to vacancies automatically where needed. This can all be done using simple drag and drop functionality embedded within the EployMail tool.
Click the icon next to the Import Tool section in the Folder Pane to reveal a list of your vacancies. You can expand two vacancy lists by clicking the icon next to each:
- My Live Vacancies shows vacancies that are assigned to you and that have a live status
- All Live Vacancies shows vacancies with a live status associated to any user
Simply drag and drop any email(s) with CV attachments to one of the vacancies in the list. If you need to import any CVs without automatically applying the candidate to any vacancy, you can drag the emails to the ‘No Vacancy’ option.
You will be given the option to Copy or Move the selected emails. Selecting Copy will retain the original email in your mailbox, whereas selecting Move will remove it.
You can repeat this process multiple times if necessary (please note multiple emails can be dragged to the same vacancy by multi-selecting them before dragging).
The CVs can then be imported within Eploy using the CV Import Tool. The tool can be accessed either by clicking the ‘open’ link in the Import Tool section, or via File > Import CVs within Eploy.
The CV Import tool automatically creates new candidates where necessary by extracting their data from their CV. Emails that were dragged to a vacancy will be automatically linked during the import.