Within Discover Forms, there are four different types of Form you can build, depending on your requirements. Whilst the process of building these different form types maybe the same, ensuring you pick the right form type will mean it is available in the right flow & means you will be able to capture the information that you need.
The four different types can be found within Discover Forms from the Admin menu
- Application Forms - These forms link candidates to vacancies and can be used during the initial application process & throughout the recruitment journey. These forms can be completed by candidates to provide information or by hiring managers to provide feedback after screening & interviews. You can use these forms to capture candidate fields & display vacancy or company information.
- Onboarding Forms - These forms are similar to application forms but include the use of placement fields. A placement must exist in order to complete an onboarding form.
- Candidate or Contact Feedback Forms - A feedback form is available for both candidates and contacts, ideal for capturing information & non-recruitment specific feedback. These forms do not link to a vacancy so do not allow the use of vacancy specific information, nor can they be related to a specific application.
Once you have chosen your form type, learn how to build & edit them here.