The user activity export report is Eploy’s largest, more powerful and most flexible reporting tool. By building your report templates, you can choose to export data from your database based on all record types, meaning you are not limited to vacancy or applicant information. This feature will allow you to build placement or payroll exports, name blind equal opps trackers and even give you the data you need to calculate recruitment workflow ratios.
Because of such flexibility in terms of datasets & filters (you really can report on just about everything), this can be a complex report to build and configure – however, putting the time in to set up the report you need will benefit you and whole team through dynamic KPI tracking and progress reports.
This report will allow you to get all of the information that you need – how you then manage that data once you have exported it from Eploy, may require some additional excel or technical skills.
The Report Builder
This report is available within Reports on the Eploymenu, under Activity Reports. Once you have selected Activity Reports, you will be able to choose User Activity Export from the resulting drop down list.
Once you click Open, you will then have access to the report builder, which is broken down into the following sections:
- Available Fields – these are the fields / datasets you can choose into include in your report. By scrolling through the list, you can use the + icon to add the field into your Selected Fields.
- Selected Fields – Any fields that have been included in your report template.
- Selected Activity Dates – From available fields, you can also choose to include Activity Dates. These range from all date fields that relate to different record types. These are particularly important as these control the content of the report, determining what data sets are included. For example, if you wish to run a report based on actions, you can choose to include Action Creation, Action Start, Action End or Action Completion
- Group Fields – This will allow you to arrange your datasets accordingly and group by any of your selected fields.
- Order By Fields – This will allow you to change the order of your report, based on your selected fields. You can order the report as ascending or descending.
Selecting Required Fields
This section give you access to all fields that are available to export or report on, broken down into different record types and tabs. This includes all vacancy, company, contact and candidate information, as well as application, placement and action data.
When you scroll through this section, you can use the (+) icon to move the field into your selected fields. Once selected, you will then be able to group by or order by.
Once you have selected your required fields, you then need to select the activity date. The activity date controls the content of the report and allows you to pick and choose multiple record types.
For example, if you have selected equal opportunity and source information from the candidate, you can then choose to include date fields that would relate to it. When you then apply a filter, the filter will be based on your activity dates:
- Use Candidate – Creation Date if you are monitoring the growth of your talent pool online registrations.
- Use Action - Start Date to see data that relates to all those who have any an action take place.
- Use Placement – Creation Date for all records that have been placed.
Report Filters
Once the fields have been set as required, you can now decide on your filters. Are you only interested in records that relate to specific users or the whole team? Do you need to report on the whole database or only records within the last few days / weeks / months / years? By selecting Report Filter in the top right hand corner, you can apply these filters as required.
- Activity Dates – This uses our intelligent date controls, that allows you to choose from calendar date ranges such as Last Week, This Month and Next Financial / Calendar Year. Each of the options will roll over for each period, consistently showing you the relevant date range. You can also chose to use rolling date ranges ( # number of days / weeks / months / years ago to # of days / weeks / months / years in the future) or specific date ranges, where you select your required dates that only change when you update them.
- User Filters – This filter will allow you to filter for activity that relates to any of your core system users, hiring managers or vendors (if applicable). All active users will be available to report on.
Once you have selected your filters, you can click Save to apply the filter to your selected data set.
Saving your Template
Now that you have built and finalised your report, we would always recommend saving the template. This will allow you to very quickly load the template the next time the report is required. As part of saving the template, your filter settings will also be saved, which is where those rolling date ranges become particularly helpful.
To save, simply click Save Settings in the bottom right hand corner to open the save menu. Here, you can set a title of the template as well as choosing to share this with any other users within your company / team.
Loading Templates
Now that the template has been saved, you can choose to load it from the top right hand corner, within the three dot menu. This will give you access to any saved report templates that you have created or have been shared with you.
Within this section, you can also choose to apply a saved candidate query builder to your data, to help identify more specific data sets.
Exporting Data
Now that the report has been configured / filtered / saved, you can now export your data. In the bottom right hand corner, you will find the options to Export as CSV or View Report. Select View Report will attempt to run the report in your browser – depending on the size your data set, this can take some time and even lead your browser to time out. With this in mind, we would always recommend to use the Export as CSV option.
When using Export as CSV, this can still take some time depending on the size of your filter and dataset. However, this will simply run in the background of Eploy and once available, will trigger a download of your filtered data. From this download, you can then open in excel and begin to filter, pivot and query as required.